Retinal Injections

Retinal Injections at Holicki Eye Centers

Retinal injections are specialized treatments aimed at managing conditions such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. These injections deliver medications directly into the eye to address specific retinal issues.

What Are Retinal Injections?

Retinal injections involve the precise administration of medications, such as anti-VEGF agents, into the vitreous cavity of the eye. This targeted approach helps to reduce swelling, control abnormal blood vessel growth, and preserve vision.

Benefits of Retinal Injections:

  1. Effective Treatment: Retinal injections are highly effective in slowing or halting the progression of conditions like macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

  2. Vision Preservation: By reducing swelling and stabilizing vision, these injections help maintain or improve visual acuity over time.

  3. Minimal Discomfort: The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, with minimal discomfort during and after treatment.

  4. Customized Care: Your ophthalmologist at Holicki Eye Centers tailors the treatment plan to your specific condition and response to therapy.

Call Our Office Today to Schedule an Appointment

Discover the benefits of retinal injections at Holicki Eye Centers, where we prioritize your vision health with advanced treatments and compassionate care.
Call us today to schedule your appointment.

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